The sense of community that one finds in Montana is something we strive to embrace and share with others.
How We Got Here.
Our team of dedicated professionals all the way from our warehouse floor to our sales representatives and market managers coordinate on a daily basis to deliver the highest level of customer service. This dedication is the basis for developing lasting relationships with our customers, our suppliers, and even our freight companies. We wear our mantle with pride as being Montana’s only statewide beverage distributor, and are continually thinking outside the box for ways to improve and better ourselves.
Meet Our Awesome Crew
Our History
In 1975, Jim & Mary George founded George’s Foods, Inc. a broad-line food distribution company with emphasis on fresh produce and specialty products. After a few years and success in the Helena market, business grew and spread to cover the entire state of Montana and George’s Foods made its mark in the produce business. After over 30 years as a food distribution company, the George’s decided to explore adding a wine division.
Meanwhile, Jim and Mary’s oldest daughter Chelsey had been living and working in San Fransico in the restaurant and catering business learning a great deal about wine. In the Fall of 2002, Chelsey moved back to Montana from San Francisco and brought with her a passion and knowledge of wine. Chelsey launched the Wine Division of George’s with just a few brands and a small room in the warehouse.
Employing over 100 people, we service over 650 customers in Montana, while covering over 5,500 miles weekly.
The sense of community that one finds in Montana is something we strive to embrace and share with others. Our team works, lives and plays in communities all over Montana. We are rooted in the state and those roots stretch far and run deep.
After graduation from the University of Montana, Chelsey moved to California to study history at San Francisco State University’s graduate studies program. She also worked in one of San Francisco’s great restaurants serving fabulous wines to the very young “dot-com” crowd. She decided that a master’s in history would not enable her to enjoy a nice bottle of wine any time soon. So, she pursued a career in sales and marketing. Chelsey worked in high-end event sales for about a year before the dot-com world crashed and the San Francisco economy slowed down with it.
In the meantime, her parents asked her to come back to Montana and help them run George’s Foods and launch a wine division. Because she wanted to own a house and a few dogs, she jumped at the opportunity. Thanks to a lot of luck and wonderful employees, we now have a dynamic, statewide wine, beer and beverage business.